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Life Groups

We believe that it is in community with others who are following after Jesus where we experience the greatest life change and where we get to be a part of the change that Jesus desires to bring where we live, work, learn, and play.

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Life Group Rhythms

Rhythms set the beat to the patterns of our lives. As we seek to grow in our love for God, love for one another, and making God's love known, our life groups use the following rhythms to bring intentionality to the cadence of our lives in community with others.

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Bible Study

The narrative and teachings of Scripture are the authority by which we live. We gather to discuss the sermons, explore the Scriptures, and process how we can apply our lives to these teachings. This often presses us into prayer for one another, others who are in our lives, and how we can encourage one another to receive the change Jesus desires to bring to us and through us.

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We were created to be in meaningful relationships with others and these relationships are deepened as we share life together. Life groups share meals, game nights, and other fun activities based on the group's make-up. These friendships become those who help care for one another through the ups and downs of life.

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We believe that God has uniquely formed and placed each life group to make His love known in the natural spaces and relationships represented in the group. Life groups actively pray for and pursue opportunities to serve others based on where they live, work, learn, and play.

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Find a Life Group

Joining a life group is the best way to get connected to the heart and mission of New Bridge. We’d love to help find a life group that is a good fit for you.

Find A Life Group

Rachel Fox

Community Coordinator

Email Me for More Info